Grant County Mosquito Control District No. 1
Moses Lake, WA
Products Used
Learn about the products used in the fight against mosquito-borne disease.
Larvicides: products specifically target mosquitoes in the larval state that are usually applied during the day.
Adulticides: product specifically targets adult mosquitoes applied after sunset.
VectoBac G/GS: active ingredient, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), naturally occuring soil bacteria that when ingested by mosquito larvae causes the hind gut to crystalize and explode.
VectoMax: active ingredients, Bti and Bacillus sphaericus (Bs), a naturally occuring soil bacterium.
VectoPrime: active ingredients Bti strain with (S)-methoprene, juvenile hormone analog also known as an insect growth regulator that when ingested does not allow the mosquito larvae to properly hatch off as an adult mosquitoes.
Censor: active ingredient spinosad. Spinosyn A and Spinosyn D are derived from naturally occurring soil bacterium through fermination. Spinosad works by altering the function of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors where paralysis sets in upon ingestion.
Natular G/G30: active ingredient, spinosad
Altosid: active ingredient, spinosad
Coco Bear: surface mineral oil that kills through suffocation with larval and pupal states.
Duet: Sumithrin, Prallethrin, and PBO; synthetic pyrethroids with a synergist
Merus 3.0: organic pyrethroid , derived from chrysanthemum flowers
Zenivex: etofenprox, synthetic pyrethroid